What is Strong AI? Explained in Detail

The term “Strong AI” denotes a certain theoretical approach to developing AI. Intelligent machines are a prerequisite for strong AI. Therefore, they need to have a sense of self-awareness or the ability to learn and plan well on their own.

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) or Strong AI

According to this concise description, powerful AI does not yet exist. Nobody, not even the most brilliant minds in artificial intelligence, has managed to build a computer that can pass for humans just yet.

The goal of developing strong AI is to design a computer that can only improve with new data and experience. As a result, it needs to evolve and improve over time.

Which Criteria Must Be Met by an AI Before It Can Be Called Robust?

The Turing Test and the Chinese Room Argument are two of the benchmarks that experts use to determine whether or not an AI system is robust (CRA).

Turing Test

Alan Turing created this test in 1950 to see how well computers could mimic human behaviour. In this game, known as the “Imitation Game,” a “interrogator” must answer questions designed to reveal discrepancies between machine and human-generated results. If the questioner has no way of knowing for sure whether or not a human or machine provided a response, the machine passes the test. Unless it happens, we can’t call the machine smart.

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An effective AI system should be able to do a wide variety of jobs with similar aplomb. Thus, the Turing Test should assess how well it communicates in writing, in pictures, and in sound compared to a human.


John Searle first proposed the CRA in 1980; it asserts that machines cannot comprehend or reason like humans. This test pits the computer against a non-Chinese-speaking person. The person will be taken to a private room and instructed to read a book filled with Chinese grammar, phrases, and directions. A second native Chinese speaker enters the room and distributes printed notes in the language. The person inside should consult the phrasebook, select an acceptable response, and then hand it back to the Chinese speaker.

This individual in the room could know the answer, but it doesn’t guarantee they can comprehend Chinese. For this reason, we won’t consider him or her “strong” until he or she can have conversations without resorting to the phrasebook.

Also, a powerful AI system should be able to think for itself, not only translate what people say to it.

How does weak AI differ from strong AI, and what does that mean exactly?

Lacking in general intelligence, narrow AI systems are limited to a single function. In contrast to powerful AI systems, which can do various tasks and learn to tackle new issues, a computer that can play chess would be an example of the former.

To improve, weak AI systems require human input. While human inputs help speed up the learning process, strong AI systems can be built without them. Weak artificial intelligence systems also include self-driving vehicles and virtual assistants.

What Characteristics Should a Strong AI System Have?

  • the ability to draw on and expand upon a body of information in novel situations
  • Prepared to draw on past experiences and information while making future goals
  • capable of shifting and adapting in response to new situations
  • Reasoning out
  • Capable of figuring out complex situations
  • Displays common sense
  • Contains Mindfulness
  • capable of finding solutions to issues that cannot be expressed in equations
  • able to identify feelings and needs


We have not seen a powerful AI system, a computer that is indistinguishable from a person, as was indicated previously. Some people think it will happen in our lifetimes, but most people believe it will never be possible to build a machine with human-level intelligence. The notion of a robot uprising seems to have been debunked.